Mateusz Pacak – legal advisor

Mateusz Pacak is a Partner of the Legal Advisors Law Firm Puwalscy & Partners spółka partnerska.


A doctoral student at the Civil Law Department at the Faculty of Law and Administration, at the  Jagiellonian University. He graduated from legal studies at the Jagiellonian University with the grade very good, and his master’s thesis entitled “Private-law Aspects of the Obligations of Investment Companies under the MiFI Directive” was awarded a distinction in the competition of “Przegląd Prawa Handlowego” [“Business Law Review”] for the best master’s theses defended in 2012.

A graduate from the American Law Program 2013-14 JU-CUA, and of The ICC Arbitration and ADR Training Programme (2015/16).

Achievements and scientific activity:

In 2015, the winner of the team second prize in the Lewiatan Arbitration Competition organized by the Arbitration Court at the PKPP Lewiatan; also the winner of the first prize for the best counterclaim and of the second prize for the best statement of claim.

The author of the commentary to the electronic payment instruments act (LexisNexis 2013) and to the payment services act (LexisNexis 2014), as well as a co-author of the commentary to the voivode act (LexisNexis 2013). Also, an author of articles and a speaker at numerous national and international academic conferences. In the years 2011-2015, a member of the editorial board of “Internetowy Przegląd Prawniczy” [“Internet Legal Review’] of the Library Association of the Students of Law (TBSP UJ) (since 2013 the editor-in-chief of this periodical – 5 points on the ministerial list).

An associate of the Allerhand Institute (Company Law and Capital Market Section). He teaches courses for students and runs trainings for practitioners.


  • Business and civil law, civil proceedings
  • Company law and capital market law


  • Business and civil law:

    • current service for entrepreneurs and corporate consulting
    • service of M&A transactions and of transformation of companies
    • legal audits  (due diligence – company law, legal and administrative aspects)
  • court proceedings:

    • conducting litigations (strategy, preparation of procedural documents)
    • conducting disputes before the National Chamber of Appeal
  • negotiating agreements:

    • construction of complex business agreements (national and international), areas: IT, building industry, medicine, food industry, consulting
  • pharmaceutical and medical law:

    • legal consulting for pharmaceutical companies focusing on marketing, distribution, and relationships with medical and commercial representatives
    • legal consulting for specialist clinics, audits


  • English

Full profile:



Puwalscy & Partners spółka partnerska
Legal Advisers Law Firm
ul. Felicjanek 25/4
31-103 Kraków
Phone: + 48 (0) 12 427 03 36
Fax: + 48 (0) 12 427 03 51
